Monday, August 28, 2006

I'm in good company.

All of these authors were born on August 28th. So was I.

In honor of the post at Semicolon, I picked up War and Peace again today, after not looking at it for at least two weeks, and was immediately drawn into the story. The French are advancing across Russia and the home of Princess Mariya is in imminent danger, particularly because the peasants on the estate are in rebellion. She is grieving for her father, and despising herself for wishing for his death, in spite of his prolonged illness and tyrannical behavior toward her. She needs to flee from the advancing French, but when she finally rouses herself from her mourning to realize the danger, the rebellious peasants prevent her escape.

And Prince Rostov comes to her rescue! Who could resist Nikolai? Not rebellious peasants and not Mariya. She falls in love immediately, although they part almost as soon as the meet. Rostov remains with the Russian Army, and Princess Mariya heads for Moscow. And then...and then...

This is a very good story. I'm sure the only thing that prevents anyone from reading it the fact that it is as long as any five ordinary books. I picked it up on page 871 of 1456 pages, only a bit past the half-way point. I wanted to finish this book in August, but I don't know if I'm going to make it. Happy Birthday to me and to Tolstoy!


At 7:24 PM , Blogger Mama Squirrel said...

Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!


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