Saturday, May 26, 2007

What would you call this???

Okay, so I know I'm not going to win any awards for being "blogger extraordinaire." May has not been a good blogging month. I've been relaxing after my oh-so-busy April, and the relaxation extended all the way to not updating my blog!

In any case...

When a city (or anything) celebrates 100 years of existence, they call it a "centennial." After 150 years, you celebrate a "sesquicentennial." Two hundred long years, and you've hit "bicentennial," which is about as far as any place in the United States can go. Which is why I don't really know what to call milestones beyond that point.

What would you call the celebration of 750 years of existence?

That's what Krakow is celebrating this year--750 years since Krakow became an official city. There are posters and flags and displays all over the city. I guess it's a pretty big deal.

Happy Birthday, Krakow.


At 7:32 PM , Blogger Mama Squirrel said...

We live in "twin cities," and one of them is celebrating its 150th birthday this weekend. But 750 years definitely tops that.


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