Saturday, September 01, 2007

Reading Log, July and August 2007

Yes, well, I have been neglecting this little corner of the web, haven't I? And it's not for lack of anything to write about, either. I have all kinds of stories, pictures, projects, events, blessings, anguish and life in general as subject matter. I've just been busy living it instead of writing it.

But I will be SO sorry if I don't keep track of the books I read, after doing it faithfully for so long, so here's the list (somewhat meager) for June and July, and a half-hearted promise to get back to regular blogging soon. Or at least show you the neat things I bought at this year's craft fair.

Without further ado,

Cranford, by Elizabeth Gaskell

The Poisonwood Bible, by Barbara Kingsolver

Elena: Strengthened Through Trials, by Harvey Yoder

The Mother, by Pearl Buck

The Beginning, by Chaim Potok

Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress, by Dai Sijie

The Eyre Affair, by Jasper Fforde

Isn't that a sad little list for two whole months of reading? I just don't seem to read as much in the summer. Last year's summer reading wasn't that remarkable, either.

All of those books deserve their own posts and reviews, but I'm not making any promises. I will call your attention to the fact that The Poisonwood Bible fit into my recent reading on the topic of Africa, and The Mother and Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress are set in China. Recurring themes seem to recur even when I don't have much going on.

Elena was a biography--the only non-fiction title for two whole months. I'm ready for some non-fiction now, wanting to get back to my Polish books, dying to read a few titles that I recently purchased, and planning on reading more now that the days and nights are getting cooler again. Summer always comes to an abrupt end in Poland, and while it was nearly 90 degrees about two weeks ago, we've had night time temperature below 50 a few times since then, and I've been wearing a sweater. So long, summer.


At 9:43 PM , Blogger MaureenE said...

How did you like the Eyre Affair?

At 4:41 AM , Blogger Birdie said...

Looks like quite an interesting list. May I ask if you had a favorite among them?

At 12:29 PM , Blogger Phyllis said...

I have only had sporadic internet access for a while, but I've been trying all summer to answer the email that you sent me back in May. I think I've asked you this before. . . you don't have another address, do you?


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